First meeting of the MedWet manager network to discuss issues related to the management of Mediterranean wetlands
June 01, 2021
The network of Mediterranean Ramsar Site managers (MedWet managers) held its first meeting virtually, on 5 may 2021, with the coordination of the MedWet Initiative and the participation of about fifteen managers from different Mediterranean countries.
The MedWet managers is a Mediterranean membership network of wetland managers dedicated to fostering best management practices, knowledge exchange and public education about wetland values and services.
The meeting was an opportunity to get to know the network members, their backgrounds, positions and institutions, and to hear their expectations. The managers also discussed the network’s objectives and added value.
The MedWet team presented the future opportunities to the network members. The meeting sparked fruitful discussions which triggered important reflections and ideas for a reinforced cooperation between managers at Mediterranean level.
Thanks to the network, the managers will get the opportunity to learn, share their experiences and best practices. Moreover, they will gain the tools and the techniques for a better management of their sites.