Parc Natural de l'Aiguamolls de l'Empordà

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Aiguamolls de l’Empordà was designated as a Wetland of International Importance (Ramsar Site) under the Ramsar Convention on 26 March 1993.
More about the site

A wetland of special interest for birds. More than 300 species have been observed, many of which are protected species. Is one of the natural areas of Catalonia with the highest biodiversity.

Avetoro (Botaurus stellaris), aguilucho lagunero (Circus aeruginosus), focha común (Fulicata atra), calamón (Porphyrio porphyrio) , chorlitejo patinegro (Charadrius alexandrinus).

  • Reposition of groundwater;
  • Stabilization of the coast;
  • Water depuration;
  • Biodiversity reservoir;
  • Recreation and tourism.

Within the Natural Park:
– Hermitage of Saint Joan Sescloses
– Nucleous of Cinclaus made up by 5 farmhouses and a small church making up a vey interesting example of popular architecture.
– Hermitage of Saint Anton.
– Cortal Avinyó, modernist building.
In the human settlements of the Natural Park:
– Castelló d’Empúries : Basílic of Saint Mary, Ghotic style
– l’Escala : Greco-rom ruins of Ampúrias
– Roses : Citadelle of tjhe XVI centuty, walled enclusure

El Cortalet:
– Information centre, administration and cepetion of visitors coming to the Park
– Documentation Center
– Environmental education services, nature classroom
– Parking area
– Three picnic areas (one with roof)
– Two WC areas
– Office of the Rural Gaurds Corp for the region (L’Alt Empordà)
Not open to the públic: Center for recuperation of wildlife species

Mas del Matar
– Parking area
– Kitchen-.dining area for groups and recreational centers
– Camping area
– WC
Services not opned to the public:
– Hostel for eight students or Park’s collaborators.
– Environmental education area of El mas del Matar. Paking 7 minutes away.

In the Natural Park there are several refuges, observation towers and mainly observatories. In total there are 30 observation points, of which 14 are observaories (enclosures where visitors can hide).

Water purification zone of Empuriabrava
– Picnic area at the bigining of the itinerary going to El Cortalet.
– Play ground (no WC).

Sant Pere Pescador Zone
Information point open during festivities and in summer. Departing point for the lower Fluvia river.
– PIcnic area. No WC.

Sant Martí d’Empúries Zone
– Picnic area and playground. No WC.

Information offices
There are information offices in the munciiplaities within the Park and in the reception areas of the private càmpings of the region.

Creative Spring: a day dedicated to wokshops y artistic activities realted to nature
Birds Festival : 3 or 4 days of activites related to birds.

During the whole year there are exhibitions, envirnmental education activities, guided visits for school children, etc.

a. Wetlands recovery
b. Recovery of the litoral dunes system
c. Reintroduction of missing species

– To develop and implement a management plan for the different components of the Natural Park; conservation and public use plan
– Expandion of the protected area

There is no management plan. We have only an special plan for land use. There is a management plan but limited to one of the integral natural reserves. The land use plan provides some guidelines for conservation but they are not sufficient to conserve the Natural Park as a whole.


Latest updates of these informations: June 2020

© Maria planas aulet / Wikimedia Commons