Côtes des Bokkoyas

- Morocco -

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Côtes des Bokkoyas was designated as a Wetland of International Importance (Ramsar Site) under the Ramsar Convention on 16-04-2019.

More about the site

Of the many habitat types contained within the site, the calm near shore waters and high, low-lying coastal cliffs are its most distinctive features, as evidenced by the rare or endemic species that occupy them. The benthos is characterized by the presence of one of the rare populations of red coral, while the coastal cliffs are among the few remaining coastal bird nesting places in Morocco. The presence of bioindicator species of clear, renewed waters with little sediment, such as the algae Lithophyllum byssoides, the anthozoa Astroides Calycularis, Actinia equina and Paramuricea clavata or the ascidians Polycitoradriaticum and Halocynthia papillosa confirm that the site has good water quality.

Osprey, Monk seal, Red Coral, Dolphins, Audouin’s Gul, Lithophyllumbyssoides,  Cystoseirassp, Cymodocea nodosa, Patella ferruginea 

The coastal area of Bokkoyas provides numerous ecosystem services and benefits  to the local populations. These include but are not limited to: 

Fisheries: The wetland supports a rich diversity of marine life, serving as a  crucial habitat for fish species. Local communities rely on these fisheries for  sustenance and livelihoods, contributing to their food security and economic  well-being. 

Coastal protection: The wetland acts as a natural buffer against coastal  erosion and storm surges, safeguarding nearby communities and  infrastructure from the impacts of extreme weather events. 

Water purification: The wetland helps in filtering and purifying water,  improving water quality for human consumption and agricultural use  downstream. 

Tourism and recreation: The scenic beauty and biodiversity of the coastal  area attract tourists, providing opportunities for ecotourism and recreational  activities such as birdwatching, hiking, and boating. This generates income  and employment opportunities for the local population. 

Carbon sequestration: Mangroves and other coastal vegetation present in the  wetland store significant amounts of carbon, contributing to climate change 

mitigation efforts and enhancing the resilience of coastal ecosystems to  climate impacts. 

Cultural and spiritual values: The coastal area holds cultural and spiritual  significance for local communities, serving as a place for traditional practices,  ceremonies, and cultural events, fostering a sense of identity and belonging  among the population.

The coastal area of Bokkoyas holds significant social and cultural importance for  the local community. Its religious and symbolic value is deeply ingrained in the  traditions and beliefs of the people living in the region. Additionally, the area is rich  in historical and archaeological sites, reflecting the cultural heritage of the area. The  wetland plays a vital role in fostering social relations among the communities  residing in its vicinity, serving as a gathering place for various cultural events,  ceremonies, and traditional practices. Preserving the coastal area of Bokkoyas is not  only essential for its ecological significance but also for safeguarding its profound  social and cultural heritage.

Activities/events taking place on the Bokkoya coastline site other than productive  activities (e.g., recreation/education, tourism) could include:

  • Sports events such as surfing competitions, beach volleyball, or fishing  tournaments. Fishing activity in the area is divided into several categories:  artisanal fishing with small crafts, trawling fishing, sardine fishing, longline  fishing, and spearfishing. 
  • Educational programs or workshops on marine conservation. Guided tours of historical or archaeological sites along the coast. Coastal ecosystem protection awareness activities, such as beach clean-ups  or tree planting programs. 

These activities contribute to enhancing visitor experiences, strengthening  community bonds, and promoting the preservation and appreciation of the  Bokkoya coastline site.

  • Regulation of fishing: Implementation of fishing quotas, seasonal closure  periods, minimum catch sizes, and other measures aimed at ensuring the  sustainability of fishery resources. 
  • Monitoring and law enforcement: Strengthening marine patrols to combat  illegal fishing, pollution, and other activities harmful to the coastal  environment. 
  • Awareness and education: Public awareness campaigns on the importance of  coastal conservation, marine ecosystems, and sustainable practices, as well as  educational programs in schools and local communities. 
  • Waste management: Implementation of waste collection programs and  awareness campaigns to reduce plastic pollution and marine debris along the  coast. 

International cooperation: Collaboration with other nations, international  organizations, and NGOs to implement transboundary conservation  strategies and research programs on marine species migrations.

  •  Habitat degradation: Human activities such as overfishing, pollution, coastal  development, and unsustainable tourism practices contribute to habitat  degradation, threatening the ecological integrity of the wetland. 
  • Invasive species: The introduction of invasive species poses a significant  threat to native biodiversity and ecosystem functioning within the Ramsar  Site. Controlling and managing invasive species populations is crucial for  maintaining the site’s ecological balance. 
  • Climate change impacts: Sea-level rise, increased frequency of extreme  weather events, and temperature fluctuations associated with climate change  pose significant challenges to the resilience of coastal ecosystems.  Adaptation strategies are needed to mitigate the impacts of climate change  on the Ramsar Site. 
  • Water quality degradation: Pollution from agricultural runoff, untreated  sewage, and industrial activities affects water quality in the wetland, posing  risks to aquatic life and human health. Measures to improve water quality  and reduce pollution are essential for the conservation of the Ramsar Site. 
  • Community engagement and sustainable livelihoods: Balancing conservation  objectives with the socio-economic needs of local communities is a key  challenge. Ensuring community participation in decision-making processes  and promoting sustainable livelihoods that are compatible with wetland  conservation goals is essential for long-term success.

No, we have recently developed a proposed action plan for the management of the  Ramsar Site in the coastal area of Bokkoyas. This plan outlines various strategies  and measures aimed at conserving and sustainably managing the wetland,  considering its ecological, social, and cultural significance. The proposed action  plan includes objectives, goals, and specific actions to be implemented, covering  aspects such as habitat conservation, restoration efforts, community engagement,  and monitoring activities. We are currently in the process of reviewing and  finalizing this proposed action plan before its implementation.


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