Self-Assessment and Planning tool for the governance of coastal wetlands — Technical workshop

Technical workshop

Self-Assessment and Planning tool for the governance of coastal wetlands

For wetland managers

16 September 2022

The workshop, organized by MedWet in collaboration with PAP/RAC of Barcelona Convention, aimed to present the results gathered from the application of the Self-Assessment and Planning tool, for the governance of Mediterranean coastal wetlands, showing the methodology used and the importance of its implementation for the achievement of conservation and sustainable management results for coastal areas.

The workshop provided a moment for exchanging knowledge among coastal wetland managers and finding synergies to take in consideration a more coherent and integrated strategy for governance-related issues.

The presentation of the results, using the focus-group discussion methodology, enabled to identify points of contact between managers and among various wetland sites as well as highlight the different strategies adopted for sustainable management and governance in the Mediterranean countries. At the same time, the workshop was a laboratory of active participation aimed at sharing the results of the tool to evaluate their convergence. With virtual tools, participants were invited to express comments and opinions that will be collected and discussed to test the increased capacity of Mediterranean wetland managers on coastal wetlands governance.

This activity is part of the Strategy 2 of the MAVA OAP M3 (i.e. “Improving and Sharing the Knowledge base to promote Scaling up”), and more specifically belongs to the MAVA Project about “Disseminating knowledge and sharing Experience for promoting wetlands conservation around the Mediterranean”.

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