Watch now_Webinar: Biodiversity into Action! The importance of governance mechanism in managing Marine Protected Areas (MPAs)

Capitalisation webinar

Biodiversity into Action! The importance of governance mechanism in managing Marine Protected Areas (MPAs)

For MPAs managers

May 29, 2022

Organized on 17 May 2022 by MedWet, this webinar is a capitalization event within the Tune Up Interreg MED project. The experience of promoting multilevel governance for tuning up biodiversity protection in marine areas – and similar initiatives, have been compared to identify the common and open challenges in implementing flexible and innovative tools of governance (as in the case of the Environmental contract for the Tune Up project).

The workshop was attended by 45 participants, professionals from Mediterranean MPA and other natural resources management, members from the scientific community and other environmental organizations. During the brainstorming sessions, 4 main topics were addressed and discussed in separate zoom rooms: how to be more inclusive during participatory processes, how to implement a working model, how to scale up, and how to address effective communication with political decision makers.

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